About ProAir

The ProAir Group is an independent full-service airbroker with extensive expertise in the entire field of worldwide flight logistics, air charter service and its own aviation company under a German AOC.

Founded in 1996

ProAir-Charter-Transport GmbH, founded in 1996 by Thomas Godau, Elmar Monreal and Kim Witschas, is still an owner-managed company today. In 2007, ProAir was supplemented by the foundation of ProAir Aviation GmbH with an LBA-licensed aviation company. Thus the group fulfils all requirements for commercial flight operations.

We work worldwide and independent of location. The headquarters of the ProAir Group is located in Filderstadt (Germany), directly at the central European airport in Stuttgart.

Hauptsitz ProAir Group in Filderstadt am Flughafen Stuttgart

Business Fields

We offer a combination of services that is unique in the industry, covering all needs related to flying and the brokerage of aircraft in the cargo and passenger sectors, right through to aircraft operations.

These central business segments form the strategic orientation of the ProAir Group: in addition to Business Charter, Group Charter and Cargo & Logistics, the business segments Aviation and Aircraft Management & Sales round off our comprehensive full-service concept.

Concentrated competence

Sales offices and representative offices around the globe support the expansion of further market segments. Our worldwide network of selected partners and joint ventures complement each other to form a team of highly qualified specialists from the logistics and aviation industry, who are available worldwide and at any time.

This proximity to the market enables us and our logistics and aviation staff to implement over 1,000 individual charter flights for our customers.

ProAir has a team of highly qualified specialists from the logistics and aviation industry
Globales Partnernetzwerk

Partner of all branches

ProAir is established on the international market as a solution-oriented provider of logistics services and a safe aviation company.

In the air transportation of passengers and goods, we have stood for quality, reliability and safety in the implementation of all transportation needs of any size and degree of challenge for over two decades. Our customers from business, services, sport and trade as well as associations, organizations and governments appreciate our full-service know-how.

Certified quality

ProAir is a company certified according to ISO/IEC 27001, DIN EN ISO 9001 and DIN EN ISO 14001. We maintain a strict internal quality assurance and service inspection system. We set our standards far beyond the regulations of the German Federal Aviation Authority (LBA) and the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO).

Last but not least, in 1998 ProAir was the first company in the industry to be successfully ISO-certified.

Zertifizierte Qualität