Air Operator Certificate (AOC)

The ProAir Group includes an independent aviation company with a German aircraft operating certificate (AOC) for worldwide passenger, cargo and ambulance flights.

Unique in the industry, the ProAir Group acts both as a charter broker and as an independent aviation company under German AOC (D-150 EG). Thus, in addition to the international market of aircraft of other airline partners, we also rely on our own aircraft fleet. So we use the entire range of services and find the most suitable flight solution for our customers.

ProAir Aviation proves experience and competence also in its own flight operations. We offer key account management for aircraft owners, maintain a company-owned CAMO and ensure the continuous and uninterrupted continuing airworthiness according to the Aircraft Maintenance Program and all sub-areas of aircraft management. Flight control, flight planning and movement services are performed by our own 24-hour Operations Control.

Eigenständiges Luftfahrtunternehmen mit deutscher Flugbetriebslizenz (AOC) für weltweite Passagier-, Fracht- und Ambulanzflüge

Our worldwide valid aircraft operating certificate for cargo/passenger and ambulance flights is a prerequisite for the commercial operation of a wide range of aircraft types. Please contact our Aircraft Management & Sales Department for reporting and operations of your aircraft on AOC of ProAir Aviation GmbH.

Enquire now.


Our aviation team is at your disposal.

+49 711 70839-0

More professional services


Aircraft Agent

Purchase and sale of aircraft. Investment and shareholding.


Ambulance Charters

Charter for medical flights, medevac and organ transport.


Commercial charter

For aircraft owners who want to profit from the commercial charter market.


Concert Tours

Flight Logistics for orchestras & bands on tour. Partner of tour managers.


Delegation Trips

Charter & logistics solutions for flights with strict protocol - national and international.


Employee shuttles

Air connections between company locations. Commuting with efficiency.


Executive charter

Business jet or helicopter. Flying worldwide - completely private.


Flight Logistics

Large passenger groups flying. By charter or scheduled flight.


Support flights

Flight logistics for crisis situations. Passenger & relief goods.


Team Charter

Soccer teams, support staff and management - fully supported.


Transfer Arrangements

Available for you on the ground. Transfer solutions of all comfort levels.