Ambulance charters & return flights

ProAir offers professional flight logistics services and charters for patient transports, return flights and medical tourism flights with private jets, turbo-props, helicopters, via scheduled flights or with specially equipped medical aircraft.

As a provider of charter solutions for worldwide ambulance flights, repatriation and organ transports, we ensure fast and smooth aircraft charters in the field of medical transports. As an airbroker with over 25 years of experience, ProAir has access to a very large selection of rentable jets, turbo-props and helicopters for a wide variety of purposes. The independent aviation company ProAir Aviation, which is part of the ProAir Group, additionally expands the selection of aircraft. Our international network enables us to always find the right aircraft for medical transport needs. Our customers from insurance companies, organizations, NGOs and governments as well as private individuals rely on our fast emergency charters.

Flugzeug-Charter für weltweite Ambulanzflüge, Rettungsflüge, Organtransporte, Medikamententransporte, Krankentransporte, Rückholflüge

Your ProAir specialists are available around the clock and organize aircraft charters economically and quickly for worldwide operational scenarios such as ambulance flights, rescue flights, organ transports, medicine transports, patient transports, return flights or similar medical emergencies.

Jetzt anfragen.


Our team of specialists is at your disposal around the clock.

+49 711 70839-0

More professional services


Ambulance Charters

Charter for medical flights, medevac and organ transport.


Cargo Adhoc-Charter

Maintaining supply chains. Worldwide and within shortest time.


Concert Tours

Flight Logistics for orchestras & bands on tour. Partner of tour managers.


Helicopter Charter

High flexibility for passengers or cargo. Take-off and landing anywhere.


On Board Couriers (OBC)

Small to medium sized express freight by air courier. Personal and economical.


Outsized Cargo

Large & heavy loads. Project logistics for special transports.


Support flights

Flight logistics for crisis situations. Passenger & relief goods.