Delegation trips for economy, politics and organizations

High-ranking delegations from business and politics travel according to strict protocol and pose special challenges for flight logistics. ProAir Group Charter organizes flight solutions especially tailored to the needs of delegation travelers.

In the field of flight logistics organization and implementation for delegation travelers from business and politics, we offer a comprehensive range of services before and during the trip.

In close coordination with the travel management or directly with the ministries, ProAir develops an exactly fitting flight concept for destinations around the globe. From planning to execution, we strictly observe protocol requirements, clarify special features of travel routes to and from the airport and coordinate all safety and regulatory requirements when selecting crews and aircraft. The use of special terminals and specially screened airport areas as well as baggage transfers and personal security are also part of our standard operating procedures. We harmonize the usually tight schedule of the passengers with all flight-related conditions.

Hochrangige Delegationen aus Wirtschaft und Politik auf Reisen

Plan your next delegation trips for economy, politics and organizations with our flight logistics services from chartering suitable aircraft to handling at airports. Your ProAir charter experts are at your disposal around the clock before and during the trip. If required, we are happy to offer permanent flight support by experienced flight riders on board and on site.

Enquire now.


Our team of specialists is at your disposal around the clock.

+49 711 70839-0

More professional services


Aircraft Agent

Purchase and sale of aircraft. Investment and shareholding.


Ambulance Charters

Charter for medical flights, medevac and organ transport.


Commercial charter

For aircraft owners who want to profit from the commercial charter market.


Concert Tours

Flight Logistics for orchestras & bands on tour. Partner of tour managers.


Delegation Trips

Charter & logistics solutions for flights with strict protocol - national and international.


Employee shuttles

Air connections between company locations. Commuting with efficiency.


Executive charter

Business jet or helicopter. Flying worldwide - completely private.


Flight Logistics

Large passenger groups flying. By charter or scheduled flight.


Helicopter Charter

High flexibility for passengers or cargo. Take-off and landing anywhere.