Employee shuttles and regular flight services

Corporate shuttles and regular air traffic between company locations: ProAir demonstrates its many years of expertise in the installation of employee shuttles as an alternative to scheduled flights.

ProAir is a sought-after partner for travel management departments from all sectors and branches of industry for the planning, organization and implementation of regular charter flights between company locations or production sites.

To professionally cover your travel needs, we put together suitable flight concepts, taking into account all aircraft types available on the market. Our experts always have the most economical and sensible schedule for you in mind. In addition, our experts check whether implementation with scheduled flights or the acquisition of your own company jets could be considered. Supported by our excellent network in the aviation industry, we ensure reliable flights even to destinations that are difficult to reach.

Flugverbindungen zwischen Firmenstandorten – pendeln mit Effizienz

We are always up to date with the handling on flight days and can therefore quickly set up replacement services and efficient solutions in the event of any disruptions. We supply load statistics, waiting lists and use booking tools for passenger flight lists to ensure smooth processes not only in the air but also in advance.

With ProAir, you have a competent, round-the-clock partner for all logistical matters concerning the implementation of employee shuttles for your company.

Enquire now.


Our team of specialists is at your disposal around the clock.

+49 711 70839-0

More professional services


Aircraft Agent

Purchase and sale of aircraft. Investment and shareholding.


Ambulance Charters

Charter for medical flights, medevac and organ transport.


Commercial charter

For aircraft owners who want to profit from the commercial charter market.


Concert Tours

Flight Logistics for orchestras & bands on tour. Partner of tour managers.


Delegation Trips

Charter & logistics solutions for flights with strict protocol - national and international.


Employee shuttles

Air connections between company locations. Commuting with efficiency.


Executive charter

Business jet or helicopter. Flying worldwide - completely private.


Flight Logistics

Large passenger groups flying. By charter or scheduled flight.


Helicopter Charter

High flexibility for passengers or cargo. Take-off and landing anywhere.


Support flights

Flight logistics for crisis situations. Passenger & relief goods.


Team Charter

Soccer teams, support staff and management - fully supported.


Transfer Arrangements

Available for you on the ground. Transfer solutions of all comfort levels.


VIP Guest Charter

Exclusive group charter solutions. For VIP guests of sporting events.